My 220-801 Course Notes
The CompTIA 220-801 A+ exam is a comprehensive test, with content that include hardware interfaces, drive arrays, network technologies, and much more. In my videos, I’ve included pictures, tables, documentation, and other details that are important study details for the exam. I’ve taken all of those charts, pictures, and tables and added them to this comprehensive 9-page PDF guide. Here’s a sample of what you’ll find:
 | The Course Notes include many pictures of ports, interfaces, cables, and devices. I included as many pictures as I could in this 9-page guide! |
 | I’ve created my own set of graphics for many topics, including RAID array types, network topologies, and much more. |
 | There’s a lot of network technologies on the 220-801, and I’ve added copper and fiber connection details, IP address classes, IPv4 and IPv6 formats, and much more. |
 | Printers are a challenging part of the 220-801 exam, and I’ve included every printer type along with their advantages and disadvantages. I’ve also included the infamous laser printing process graphical guide. |
My 220-802 Course Notes
The CompTIA 220-802 A+ exam focuses on the Windows operating systems, security issues, and troubleshooting procedures. The 220-802 exam requires a detailed knowledge of OS requirements, command line options, and printer operations. I’ve included all of this information in my comprehensive 12-page 220-802 PDF Course Notes. Here’s what you’ll get:
 | You’ll need to know the requirements for installing and upgrading Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7. You’ll have all of the details on a single page! |
 | The 220-802 exam has a list of command line commands and parameters that you’ll need to know. I’ll list them all for you in the guide. |
 | The latest A+ exam expects that you’ll know about the latest mobile devices and their operation. |
 | A universal truth of troubleshooting is that your printer will stop working at the moment you need it the most. All of CompTIA’s printer troubleshooting steps are included in my course notes. |
CompTIA A+ Course Notes Digital Delivery
My Course Notes are provided as digital PDF downloads. Once your payment is authorized, my CompTIA A+ Course Notes will be available to you via instant online access in a secure area of this website. There’s no physical paper or shipping costs!
I wish I could thank everyone personally for their support of these Course Notes! The response has been fantastic, and I appreciate your ongoing support for the Professor Messer website. Good studies!
– James “Professor” Messer

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