Why is a battery on my motherboard?
During a routing cleaning of the inside and outside of a desktop computer, you notice that a small battery is mounted on the motherboard. What is this battery used for?
During a routing cleaning of the inside and outside of a desktop computer, you notice that a small battery is mounted on the motherboard. What is this battery used for?
You would like to use a LiveCD to assist with hard drive diagnostics. The LiveCD is in the CD-ROM drive, but the system boots the normal hard drive operating system when powering up. What’s the most likely reason that the LiveCD doesn’t work?
LCD displays can be found on all laptop devices and most new desktop displays. What’s the best cleaner to use on LCD displays?
Your organization wants to provide virtual private network connectivity from outside the office, but additional security is required. The primary requirement is that each user is verified with a username, password, and a piece of information that physically identifies the user. What would be the most appropriate solution for this requirement?
One common requirement for personal firewalls is that they are stateful. What is the most significant characteristic of a stateful firewall?
When working on a PC, you notice that a network share ends in a dollar sign. The share name is DAILYRPT$. What is the significance of a dollar sign on the network share name?
What is the significance of a dollar sign on a network share name? Read More »
The physical network connectivity of Ethernet has changed dramatically through the years, but these days one type of connection is the clear favorite. What type of physical network connection do most Ethernet networks use today?
What kind of physical network connection is most common today? Read More »
To improve the read and write performance of your hard drives, it’s been suggested that you tune up your file system by moving pieces of files into continuous sections. What utility best fits this description?
What utility moves pieces of files into contiguous sections? Read More »
You’ve been asked to put together the technical requirements for a new file server. For the hard drive system, you’ve been asked to provide a RAID solution that maintains a complete duplicate of all traffic. If one disk fails, the system should continue to run and all data should remain available. Which RAID type should you choose?
You’re just completed a fresh install of Windows XP onto a computer system. Which of these options would be recommended after just completing a Windows XP installation?
What processes are required after an initial Windows XP installation? Read More »