Check that disk

You suspect your Windows XP hard drive is having problems, so you’d like to check the drive for bad sectors. How can you start this test from the command line?

A) chkdsk /f

B) chkdsk /r

C) chkdsk /d

D) chkdsk /z

E) Remove the drive and hold it to your ear. If you can hear the seashore, then you need to get away from the computer for a little while.

The answer: B) chkdsk /r

The Check Disk command can check for bad sectors, but you have to use the /r option to include the sector-level test. The /f option will check for logical file errors, and /f is also included when you run chkdsk with the /r option.

Want to know more? Watch “Command Line Troubleshooting.”

The Windows command line can be a powerful troubleshooting environment if you know what to type. In this video, you’ll learn the important commands that will allow you to manipulate files, format disks, troubleshoot the network connection, and much more.