Pedal faster

You are troubleshooting a laptop that sounds like it is booting normally, but nothing appears on the LCD display. After closer inspection, you notice the display appears but the output is so faint that it’s difficult to see anything. What is the most likely cause of this issue?

A) The video card is faulty

B) The laptop is not receiving enough power

C) The video driver is not configured properly

D) The inverter is faulty

E) The laptop is one of those new “healthy” models that require you to exercise while you are using the computer. Keep spinning, and the display will gradually get brighter.

The answer: D) The inverter is faulty

The inverter powers the LCD backlight, allowing you to easily view the LCD pixels on the display.

Want to know more? Watch “Installing and Troubleshooting Laptop Components.”

Laptops hardware components are unique to their smaller form factor and portability. In this video, you’ll learn how to troubleshoot laptop video, check for problems with the LCD hardware, and troubleshoot issues with antenna wire connections.