What would be the most likely result if a startup disk did not contain an MBR?
A) The operating system would not start
B) The operating system would be in read-only mode
C) Windows would only be able to start in safe mode
D) The BIOS memory test would fail
E) The sun wouldn’t shine as bright, the sky wouldn’t be as blue
The answer: A) The operating system would not start
Without a Master Boot Record, the startup disk doesn’t know where to load an operating system and the entire boot process comes to a screeching halt.
Want to know more? Watch “Installing and Configuring Storage Devices.”Today’s personal computer can use many different storage devices, and there are important considerations for the installation and configuration of each type. In this episode, you’ll learn how to install PATA drives, SATA drives, and you’ll learn how to properly install and care for external removable drives. |