Was I not supposed to do that?

While experimenting on your Windows XP machine, you modified the attribute of boot.ini and made a few edits to the file. Unfortunately, you now find that your Windows XP operating system doesn’t boot. What program can help you rebuild your boot.ini file?

A) ntldr

B) bootcfg

C) fixboot

D) msconfig

E) Ever wish you could have that last keystroke back?

The answer: B) bootcfg

The bootcfg program can look through your hard drive to find the Windows files and rebuild your boot.ini file. The ntldr is an operating system loader and won’t operate as a separate application. The fixboot utility writes a new boot sector to the system partition, but it won’t modify the Windows OS boot files. The msconfig utility is great for examining the hardware and software configurations, but it won’t resolve any boot.ini issues.

Want to know more? Watch “Troubleshooting Error Messages.”

Understanding the error message from your computer can be an important step to resolving the issue. In this video, you’ll learn how to troubleshoot and resolve boot errors, resolve operating system startup problems, and gather information using the Windows Event Viewer.