What does this command provide?

One of your associates is troubleshooting a system, and he uses the command ‘sfc.’ What does this command provide?

A) Check the operating system files for corruption or modifications

B) Document the hops between two devices across the network

C) Resolve an IP address from a hostname

D) Locate bad sectors on the hard drive

E) He’s just typing random letters, hoping to somehow run across a magical solution

The answer: A) Check the operating system files for corruption or modifications

The System File Checker will scan all of your system files to ensure that your critical OS files are unchanged and uncorrupted.

Want to know more? Watch “Command Line Troubleshooting.”

The Windows command line can be a powerful troubleshooting environment if you know what to type. In this video, you’ll learn the important commands that will allow you to manipulate files, format disks, troubleshoot the network connection, and much more.