Which of these characters can be used in a filename?

Not all characters can be used in a filename. Which one of these characters is valid for use in a filename?

A) *

B) /

C) ;

D) !

The answer: D) !

The exclamation mark is a perfectly valid character to use in a filename. The asterisk (*), forward slash (/), and semicolon (;) cannot be used in a valid filename.

Want to know more? Watch “Directory Structures and Files.”

The organization of directories files in a Microsoft Windows environment is easy to understand if you know what to look for. In this video, you’ll learn about navigating the directory structure, creating folders and files, and understanding file attributes and permissions through our on-screen demonstrations.

1 thought on “Which of these characters can be used in a filename?”

  1. The semi-colon is a valid character. I tried a semi-colon and it worked. Maybe you meant the colon to be one of the wrong choices. I tried a colon and it didn’t work.

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