Get N10-009 Network+ Certified
This page contains everything you need to pass your Network+ exam, including both free and premium Network+ study materials. Get started on your Network+ certification today!
Professor Messer’s Free Network+ Study Materials
Our popular free training includes a complete Network+ video course, live stream Q&A, pop quiz questions, and more!
Our popular Network+ video training course includes every topic from the CompTIA Exam Objectives.
Test yourself with our live monthly Q&A and get career advice and exam tips from Professor Messer.
Our 24/7 chat includes rooms for A+, Network+, Security+, live events, and more!
Sign up for our weekly Pop Quiz questions and review our archive of previous questions.
Take your Network+ Studies to the Next Level
Our premium study materials make the perfect companions to our free video training course.
My Course Notes consolidate all of my video content into an easy to read guide. You won’t find a better summary of Network+ exam objectives anywhere else!
You need the best study materials for success, including comprehensive videos, plenty of hands-on, and lots of Q&A. These premium training resources from CompTIA provide everything you need to pass your Network+ exam!
A good book is a valuable companion to any video course or study materials. This Network+ Student Guide is CompTIA’s official guide to all topics covered in the Network+ certification.
BONUS: Includes Professor Messer’s Network+ Course Notes PDF!
If you could combine a comprehensive book, a set of practice exams, performance-based questions, flash cards, video instruction, and a final assessment exam, you would have the official CompTIA CertMaster Learn for Network+.
BONUS: Includes Professor Messer’s Network+ Course Notes PDF!
There’s no better final check of your exam readiness than taking a practice text. This Practice Test Pack includes over 700 questions for your N10-009 Network+ studies.
BONUS: Includes Professor Messer’s Network+ Course Notes PDF!
Network+ Frequently Asked Questions
The most recent version of the Network+ exam is the N10-009. The N10-009 exam was released on June 20, 2024, and the estimated retirement date for the N10-009 is estimated to be December 2027.
The older version of the Network+ exam was the N10-008, and this version was released on September 15, 2021. The N10-008 exam retired on December 20, 2024.
A summary of the changes between the N10-008 exam objectives and the N10-009 exam objectives can be found here:
The amount of time required to study for the Network+ exam will vary based on an individual’s study habits, experience, and available training materials. The average for most students is about two to three months. The total time will depend on how long it takes to learn all of the information contained in the CompTIA Exam Objectives.
Once you pass the Network+ exam, your certification will be valid for three years. You can always renew your certification for another three years, and the various methods for renewal are available on the CompTIA website.
There are significant changes between exam versions, and we highly recommend you only study from materials specifically written for the latest version of the exam.
There are always updates between exam versions, and a number of exam objectives have been removed from the N10-009 exam version. There are also a number of new topics, and the overall size of the exam has changed a bit. You can find a detailed breakdown here: