This map looks like spaghetti
What bus connection is most commonly used for networking or modems?
We have a number of WAN connections for our homes and offices to provide us with Internet connectivity. In this video, you’ll learn the advantages and disadvantages of both terrestrial and non-terrestrial network technologies.
CompTIA Network+ N10-005: 3.4 – Satellite, ISDN, Cable, DSL, and Dialup Read More »
Today’s laptops employ many communications methods that use many different technologies. In this video, you’ll learn about Bluetooth, infrared, mobile broadband, Ethernet, and modems.
CompTIA A+ 220-701: 1.10 – Laptop Communications Read More »
With adapter cards, we can customize our computers, add new capabilities, and upgrade their features. In this video, you’ll learn about adapter card architectures and the use of adapter cards to extend computer video, multimedia, I/O, and communications.
A “road warrior” is stocking up their laptop computer case for a road trip, and they’ve asked you for a set of cables that could be used for hotel Ethernet links and the occasional dial-up connection. What kind of cables/connectors do they need? Pick two.
A good item to keep in a CompTIA A+ certified technician’s toolkit is a null modem adapter. What’s a good reason to have a null modem adapter?
You are installing an internal modem into a desktop computer system, and you need to connect the telephone cable to the modem. What kind of cable connector is used for telephone and modem connections?
What cable connector is used for telephones and modems? Read More »
You’re probably familiar with the serial cables that are used to connect external modems with computers. There also exists another type of cable called a null modem cable. How is a null modem cable used?